List Of Distinguished Invited Archaeologists:


Dr. Barbara MacLeod is an accomplished epigrapher (expert on Primary Standard Sequence). Her slide presentation will feature decipherment of previously unpublished PSSequences on Tikal style vases, bowls, and plates recently photographed in Guatemala by F.L.A.A.R.


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Dr. Ray Matheny - will speak on the archaeology of El Mirador, Peten. He will also give a second lecture on his research at Edzna, one of the only major Maya sites with a complete canal system of irrigation or water control.


Dr. Gary Rex Walters has excavated at Tikal, Rio Motagua jade workshop sites. He will speak principally on Belize. Pusilha is a site famous for its 8th century Maya bridge, first photographed by Thomas Gann.


Phil Wanyerka - Accomplished epigrapher who has deciphered texts at Nim Li Punit. He has also worked with a National Geographic sponsored archaeological project at many other interesting Maya sites in southern Belize.


Jim O'Kon is a forensic engineer, a perfect background for studies of the accomplishments of the building technology of the ancient Maya. His research on 7th century bridge engineering at Yaxchilan was in National Geographic last year. For '97 he will discuss ancient Maya highways, the sacbe system. The 8th century Maya sacbe from Coba to Yaxhuna was over 80 miles long.


Arqlo. Ramon Carrasco - Discusses the first Maya funerary bundle ever found, which his project discovered at Calakmul. Since Carrasco is also Director of the Kabah Project, he will discuss the unprecedented find of copal incense inside the nostrils of the "Chac" monsters at that Puuc site. Carrasco and Hellmuth will also give a joint discussion of the Early Classic treasures found by the INAH project at Calakmul.


Licda Mercedes Flores - the 1997 IDAEH representative, is in charge of publication and educational programs relative to anthropology and history of Guatemala.


Dr. Guillermo Mata - Asociacion Tikal, Guatemala, will show the ancient tools which Maya dentists, in the year A.D. 500, used to drill their patients.


Dr. Jacinto Quirarte - has been working on Maya Vase Painting for many years and will present his latest insights into iconography. Professor Quirarte brings his experiences in the field of art history into the realm of Maya studies.


Dr. Nicholas Hellmuth - will use Hasselblad-sized super-slides to give a colorful display of Maya art, both ceramics and sculpture. Material will come from over 30 years of photography in addition to two special expeditions sent to the Maya area last month specifically to get still more material for the BCC+FLAAR symposium


New page format posted November 10, 2009