ARNAULD, Marie C., Archeologie de l'Habitat en Alta Verapaz (Guatemala) (Etudes Mesoamericaines, Volume X) , 480 p, study of ancient Maya house remains compared with Maya huts today, plus 7th century ceramic art, plenty of illustrations.


FAUVET-BERTHELOT, Marie-France, Ethnoprehistoire de la Maison Maya, history and archaeology of native highland Guatemala Maya houses, 296 p., well illustrated.


G & T FOUNDATION, PIEZAS MAESTRAS MAYAS, Patrimondo del Museo Nacional de Arquelogia y Etnologia de Guatemala, GALARIA GUATEMALA III, 15.5" x 11.5" hardcover coffee table book, Spanish & English parallel text, 28 articles covering ecology, geography & development of technology of ancient Maya, as well as Preclassic, Classic, Postclassic & Spanish contact periods with the effects of interaction by different cultures. Discusses infrastructures, commerce, war, religion, art, architecture & cultures of Maya. 2 page chart of chronology of major sites. Beautiful photography to illustrate artifacts & culture of the Maya,10 B&W & 150 color photographs plus 35 full page color plates, 249 p.

ICHON, Alain and Rita GIGNON, ARCHEOLOGIE DE SAUVETAGE DANS LA VALLEE DU RIO CHIXOY. no. 3, EL JOCOTE. Archaeologists tend to forget the highlands in their Tikal-centric view of the Maya universe. These reports are essential to understanding the fuller perspective of ancient Maya culture throughout Guatemala.- photographs of incensarios, pottery, figurines, monumental architecture. 125p.


SHARER, Robert J., Quirigua: A Classic Maya Center & Its Sculptures , 64 photos, maps & illustrations, covers chronology of site from 400-900AD and relationship to other Maya civilizations, hardcover, 124 p.

WALTERS, Gary Rex, The San Agustin Acasaguastlan Archaeological Project: Report on the 1979 field season (Museum brief) . Describes artifacts found at jade workshops and in burial chambers. 39 p, 5 maps, 34 illustrations,


OHI, Kuniaki et al., KAMINALJUYU - Excavation Research, 1994, Set of 2 volumes, boxed w/history & culture, (texts in Spanish and Japanese) hundreds of B&W photos of artifacts and site excavations as well as illustrations. Foldouts of maps, chronologies of architecture, designs of crafts and cultures. 762 p.


TOZZER, Alfred, A Preliminary Study of the Prehistoric Ruins of Nakum Guatemala A Report of the Peabody Museum Expedition 1909-10 , a Report of the Peabody Museum Expedition 1909-1910, 54 illustrations, 23 large photos of the impressive temples and palaces, this is the original 1913 edition, the last found in a corner of the warehouse.


HARRISON, Peter, A JADE PENDANT FROM TIKAL (shows insides of royal tomb) and TIKAL: NORTH ACROPOLIS AND AN EARLY TOMB by Wm. Coe; photographs, drawings, and text provide readable description of how to find and professionally excavate a wealthy Preclassic burial. Expedition, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1963,


HELLMUTH, Nicholas, Structure 5D-73, BURIAL 196, TIKAL, PETEN, GUATEMALA, 2 volumes, spiral bound, so many hundreds of illustrations we gave up counting maps, lots of architectural drawings of the pyramid and tomb chamber, rollout drawings of all the decorated vases, complete drawings of all the plates, pictures of all the jade in situ inside the crypt. This opus was Hellmuth's B.A. honor's thesis (awarded a Summa cum Laude at Harvard). Burial 196 ("The Tomb of the Jade Jaguar") is the third largest Late Classic burial ever found in the entire Maya lowlands. The author spent several months inside the tomb and in the lab taking copious notes, doing exquisite drawings, and taking abundant photographs, making this the most thoroughly recorded burial ever excavated in Mesoamerica.

LAPORTE, Juan Pedro & VALDES, Juan Antonio, Tikal Y Uaxactun En El Preclasico , 8 articles, includes 60 architectural drawings of locations, a chronology of the area, 30 masks, 126 p.



New page format posted October 29, 2009