PEREZ GALAZ, Juan de Dios, CAMPECHE EN LA CULTURA MAYA. 90 p., here is a book your library is missing.

PEREZ Zevallos, Juan and Jose Antonio Perez Gollan, LA ETNOHISTRIA EN MESOAMERICA Y LOS ANDES, INAH, 258 p.


PINA CHAN, R., CULTURA Y CIUDADES MAYAS DE CAMPECHE. 9 color photos, 129 B+W, 14 drawings (maps, tables, charts, illustrations), features Chenes and Rio Bec monumental architecture. Pina Chan was in charge of excavations at Xpuhil, Becan, and other sites. government subsidized coffee table book, hardbound, 199 p.

PINCEMIN, Sophia, REMONTANDO el RIO, 1993, complete review of the archaeology and Chontal Maya ethnohistory of the Rio Candelaria area of Campeche, including El Tigre. Illustrations of Maya architecture, pottery, 10 maps, 16 photos, 298 p.

PONCE, Pedro et al, EL ALMA ENCANTADA, 498 p. reprint of the 1892 "Breve Relacion de los Dioses y Ritos de la Gentilidad", Aguilar's "Informe contra Idolatras," Serna's "Manual de Ministros de Indios and other classic ethnohistoric sources, Hardbound,

PROSKOURIAKOFF, Tatiana, MAYA HISTORY, Hardcover, about 150 pages w/glyphs and descriptions and chronology of art of Classic period (250-900AD), 14 line drawings of monuments, more than 300 original glyphs drawings, 211 p.


ROBICSEK, Francis, The Smoking Gods Tobacco in Maya Art, History, and Religion , foreword by Michael Coe. 233 p., 234 illustrations (including photographs by Nicholas Hellmuth), 265 outstanding color plates.


SUGIURA, Y., Yoko & SERRA PUCHE, Marie C., ETNOARQUEOLOGIA Primer Coloquio Bosch-Gimpera, 30 articles, 12 maps, 40 B&W photos, more than 100 drawings, tables & illustrations, 594 p.

TSURUMOTO, Shozo, TREASURES OF THE ANCIENT MAYA EXHIBITION - Searching the Rise and Fall Mystery, (in Japanese), maps of expeditions of Columbus, spheres of influences of some Maya city states known, locations of city states, 128 color photographs of Maya artifacts on black back-ground plates, 112 p.

(Tlaxcala), Historia y sociedad en Tlaxcala: Memorias del Primer Simposio Internacional de Investigaciones Socio-Historicas sobre Tlaxcala, octubre, 1985 (Spanish Edition) , symposium proceedings with various articles on art, archaeology, and ethnohistory of Tlaxcala, includes murals of Cacaxtla. 253 p.

VELAZQUEZ Morlet, Adriana et al, ZONAS ARQUEOLOGICAS: YUCATAN, INAH. 25 B+W, 14 color photos, 27 maps (mostly in color), 5 color drawings, 30 B+W drawings, 129 p., a remarkable production for INAH, good quality paper for a change, an informative compendium of data covering all periods, all styles.



New page format posted October 19, 2009